
A few days ago we introduced the topic of the Bill of Rights. We talked about the history of the document, and how it came to be. Unfortunately, we ran out of time to discuss what is actually on the document. Today we will start...

Learn About the Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is discussed almost constantly by politicians, pundits, and writers. It was written as a safeguard for individual liberties. It is one of the most important legal documents in the entire United States of America. Funny enough,...

Why You Need To Wear Your Seat Belt This lecture has probably been delivered to you before, but that is for good reason. Seat belts save lives. If you are driving without a seat belt, you are putting yourself directly in harm’s way. There is no...

Learn About Vetoes We have previously discussed the process of a bill becoming a law. It seemed straightforward, right? Well, there may have been one little hang up at the end that we glossed over a bit. When a bill is brought to the President of...

How A Bill Becomes A Law We have all seen that Schoolhouse Rock Episode before, right? I’m just a Bill. I’m only a Bill. I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill. It sure was a catchy tune, but do you remember any of the other specifics of the song? Do you...

Learn About Blood Alcohol Levels Having a drink or two on a Friday night is not necessarily a bad thing. Having a drink or two and getting behind the wheel of a car is. Drinking and driving is never acceptable. It is extremely dangerous and causes...

Important Information on Slip and Fall Accidents Experiencing a slip and fall accident could be tragic. They can result in bumps, bruises, broken bones, concussions, and even death. It is important to be careful, not only when you are out and about, but when you are...

The Importance of Avoiding Distracted Driving Tens of thousands of individuals are killed every year in unfortunate car accidents. Accidents can happen for any number of reasons. Of all the tragic types of accidents, those involving distracted drivers are some of the most avoidable. Distracted driving...

About Workplace Harassment: Part 2 Now that we have learned exactly what harassment is, we can start talking about the specific types of harassment and get a little more in depth. Harassment is also closely associated with discrimination and sometimes it is important, especially legally, to...


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