Author: Van Norman Law

Court Room Dramas on Netflix Netflix sometimes receives a bad rap for peddling sub-par films with little to no entertainment value—objection! Some of the finest films of the 20th and 21st century are actually on the Netflix roster: There Will Be Blood, Good Will Hunting, China...

Future Lawyers, Hark! Pre-Law Advice Often, young ambitious students flock to the career of law post-graduation. Some even claim that they have always wanted to be a lawyer. These individuals usually asked, “What is the best pre-law major?” The only way to address this question is...

English-Only Rules Explained This blog will primarily benefit the employer. For those unfamiliar with the concept, English-only rules require employees to speak only English at work. English-only rules are permissible if they are adopted for nondiscriminatory reasons. But in reality, implementing such a policy is always...