Author: Van Norman Law

  We have covered a whopping eleven of the thirty human rights outlined in the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights! There are a lot more rights to cover, so keep enjoying learning about all of the basic rights you probably did not know about!...

This is part 2 of our multi-part series covering the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We covered articles one through five in the last segment of this series, and we will be covering much more in just a moment! Remember, the United States of...

  No matter where you live, it is always important that you know your rights if you ever find yourself in a compromising situation. That being said, there are hundreds, if not thousands of laws in our country, alone. And many of the rights that we...

Revenge Porn 101 With technology serving as our go-to when it comes to communication and information, many people around the world have taken advantage of the internet to exploit people. One of these forms of exploitation is known as revenge porn, where someone uploads an explicit...

Take the Proper Precautions If you think that the only reason people get DUI’s is from drinking alcohol and driving… think again! And no, we aren’t talking about having one drink at the bar that would keep you in the legal BAC limit to drive, and...

Facts About Divorce in the US Once you hit the age of 25, you’ll quickly learn that things begin to change. Not only are you getting older, but you might be noticing more and more of your friends settling down into their relationships, buying homes, having...

To make your way into any industry these days you’ll more than likely need a degree. Not only that but with competition rising across the board, having advanced degrees can be even more crucial. This is extremely important for law. After all, you cannot even...

5 Most Common (Popular) Crimes in the U.S. Crimes are committed every single day, but we never hear about the vast majority of them because the vast majority do not need any national attention. For the most part, popular crimes are not of an extreme nature....