
Take the Proper Precautions If you think that the only reason people get DUI’s is from drinking alcohol and driving… think again! And no, we aren’t talking about having one drink at the bar that would keep you in the legal BAC limit to drive, and...

What Permits a Search Without a Warrant? Getting pulled over by the police can be an anxiety-inducing situation. When you are pulled over on the side of the road, it is more than likely due to the fact that you were either speeding, your car registration...

Facts About Divorce in the US Once you hit the age of 25, you’ll quickly learn that things begin to change. Not only are you getting older, but you might be noticing more and more of your friends settling down into their relationships, buying homes, having...

To make your way into any industry these days you’ll more than likely need a degree. Not only that but with competition rising across the board, having advanced degrees can be even more crucial. This is extremely important for law. After all, you cannot even...

The Relationship Between Law, Philosophy and Morality When people think about the words “law” or “legal,” they usually have cold connotations associated with the terms. Especially, the "law philosophy relationship". But the legal realm is so much more than meets the eye. Law has been built on...

5 Most Common (Popular) Crimes in the U.S. Crimes are committed every single day, but we never hear about the vast majority of them because the vast majority do not need any national attention. For the most part, popular crimes are not of an extreme nature....

When it comes to the laws regarding firearms, the laws are created and executed according to each state. While these laws exist in the jurisdiction of state lines, the Obama administration has tried to curtail this state right to become federal law, and have tried,...

The Trump administration has followed through on many of the campaign promises they have made thus far. And while this might be viewed in a positive or negative light depending on which side of the political spectrum that one falls on, there is another issue...

The Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives (Part Two) Well what do you know, the first installation of our Better Know A Bureau series is shaping up to be a doozy as our deep dive into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has proven...

Welcome to the newly formed series featured here on the Van Norman Law Blog titled: Better Know a Bureau, in which we are going to be diving into America’s bureaus. No, not these bureaus. Frankly, it would be difficult to fit a full-sized human into...


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