Van Norman Law Firm

Golf Safety Tips Golf may very well be the greatest game of all time. Traversing breezy green landscapes with friends while smashing a white ball completely unfettered from worries and care is truly blissful. Indeed, golf is just another testament to human ingenuity, arguably rivaled only...

Carbon Monoxide: The Silent Killer Carbon Monoxide, or CO, forms when there is not enough oxygen to produce carbon dioxide (CO2). An examples of this is when an internal combustion engine is operated in an enclosed space, like a garage. It is also emitted from stoves,...

Trunk Entrapment Prevention Since 2002, all cars began incorporating a glow-in-the-dark release handle inside the trunk for safety purposes. Essentially, the glow-in-the-dark release handle was designed to allow people to escape from trunks, whether they ended up there on accident or on purpose. Indeed, Martin Scorsese...

Animal Related Car Accidents 101 Driving demands a significant degree of attention. A good motor vehicle operator is aware of surrounding cars, speed, pedestrians, reckless drivers, and wandering animals. The latter is responsible for roughly 1.5 million animal-car accidents each year, causing 10,000 injuries, 150 deaths,...

Pedestrian Safety Pedestrian Safety deserves the utmost attention, because everyone is a pedestrian at one point in their life. The word comes from the Latin ped, meaning foot, which accounts for the fact that a pedestrian is a person walking amidst traffic. Whether you are walking...

The Green Lane Project In the eyes of the law, cyclists are entitled to the same rights on the road as a standard motor vehicle. However, these rights are not always recognized in actuality. Maybe it’s because cyclists slow down traffic a bit, or drivers fail...

Have You Been a Victim of Medical Negligence? Medical Malpractice is an act or omission by a health care professional in which treatment fails to satisfy the standard of practice in the medical community and causes death or injury to the victim. Van Norman Law deals...

Assault Defense Cases Van Norman Law prides itself in promoting justice in Phoenix, Arizona by offering personal injury and criminal defense solutions. Many citizens of Phoenix, Arizona are unaware of their rights, or even worse, falsely accused of a criminal infraction. Understanding the legal system is...