Author: Van Norman Law

Future Lawyers, Hark! Pre-Law Advice Often, young ambitious students flock to the career of law post-graduation. Some even claim that they have always wanted to be a lawyer. These individuals usually asked, “What is the best pre-law major?” The only way to address this question is...

English-Only Rules Explained This blog will primarily benefit the employer. For those unfamiliar with the concept, English-only rules require employees to speak only English at work. English-only rules are permissible if they are adopted for nondiscriminatory reasons. But in reality, implementing such a policy is always...

Remembering Cicero, Champion of Justice Attorneys are forever indebted to the famous Roman statesman, lawyer, and philosopher, Cicero. His contribution to Latin prose is responsible for conventions of modern day rhetoric and grammar. Moreover, Cicero can be labeled a champion of justice. He fought for Rome...