Author: Van Norman Law

CDL Drivers and DUI Laws (Part 1) While the legal drinking limit for operating a non-commercial vehicle is, and has been for the longest time, 0.08 BAC, this is not the legal limit for operation a commercial vehicle. In fact, truckers and all others who are operating...

New DUI Laws in Ohio No matter where you are living in the United States, one thing is guaranteed — there is a drunk driving law implemented in every state. However, the actual laws themselves vary state to state, with some passing new laws while others...

In a perfect world, everyone would follow and abide by the laws in this country. And while the vast majority of people are law-abiding citizens, there are many who break the law on a regular basis, and sometimes, do so with malicious intent. But the...

What is Divine Law? Have you ever heard the term “divine law?” Even if you have never heard this term before, we are sure that you believe that it has something to do with the divine, meaning that in some form or another, God is involved...

What are Your Human Rights? Guess what? We only have three more human rights to go! Thank you for reading along! Here are the final three human rights put forth by the United Nations… Article 28: This is a short article, but is quite impactful, nonetheless....

Your Human Rights Continued We are so close to being finished with this massive, informative series! We have covered 23 out of the 30 human rights thus far, and we are picking right back up with number 24 right now… Article 24: All working people have...

  Welcome back! We are so close to covering all 30 of the human rights put forth by the United Nations! We don’t think you need any more introductions, so let us jump right back where we left off… Article 20: This article deals with the...

  Welcome to part four of this multi-part series covering all thirty of your Universal Human Rights instilled by the United Nations. In our last segment, we finished off with Article 15 which covered matters pertaining to citizenship. Let us pick up with Article 16 so...