Author: Van Norman Law

Summer Safety Tips for Arizona Residents It is finally summer time! And you know what that means, right? It is time for everyone to relax a little bit and hop in the pool to cool off. However, it is also a time for everyone to take...

What is Embezzlement? White collar crime is extraordinarily widespread and happens more often than you would think. In fact, it happens every single day, multiple times a day, all over the world. One of the white collar crimes that happens on a regular basis is embezzlement. To...

Penalties for Commercial Driver's License Holders Welcome back to our two-part series covering what the penalties are for CDL (commercial driver’s license) cardholders. We covered some pretty important information in the first part of this series, and we will be covering some final penalties in this...

CDL Drivers and DUI Laws (Part 1) While the legal drinking limit for operating a non-commercial vehicle is, and has been for the longest time, 0.08 BAC, this is not the legal limit for operation a commercial vehicle. In fact, truckers and all others who are operating...