Violation of Constitutional Civil Rights

Violation of Constitutional Civil Rights

Violation of Constitutional Civil Rights

The U.S. Constitution established and protects our civil rights, and civil rights violations is an extensive and extremely broad and complex area of state and federal laws.

Broadly, civil rights encompass discrimination in age, disabilities, employment, housing, public accommodations, and voting. A number of civil rights acts over the years have been adopted into law that have expanded and defined areas within these broad topics.

Civil Rights Examples

You can see how complex civil rights law is by these two examples:

  1. If an employer denies a job to a qualified woman because she is pregnant, the employer has violated her civil rights.
  2. A landlord who denies a person an apartment because he has a pet is not violating the potential renter’s civil rights.

The civil rights of prisoners can be violated. An example is a prisoner’s right to access the prison’s law library.

Voter discrimination is a large and important issue in today’s society that is evolving.

Your Civil Rights Violated?

If you think your civil rights have been violated, it is in your best interest to discuss your situation with an attorney experienced in handling civil rights cases.

Van Norman Law handles civil rights cases and offers initial free consultation to determine if you have a viable case. The attorney can also tell you if you don’t have a civil rights violation and explain why. If you do have a case, the attorney can describe your options and recommend the best course of action for you.

Your Legal Remedy

You do not necessarily need to file a civil rights violation lawsuit to protect your rights and fight a long and expensive trip through the state or federal court system, whichever court jurisdiction applies to your specific case.

Your lawyer can file a claim on your behalf with the state or federal government, which will investigate your case and enforce your civil rights if a violation is determined. In Arizona, the State Attorney General’s office is the agency that enforces civil rights law.

Your lawyer may also represent you through informal negotiations with the alleged offender’s attorney to draft an agreement to settle the matter without any further legal process.