The Executive Branch of the United States
In our last blog we provided a brief overview on each of the three major branches of the United States’ government. The next few blogs, we would like to take a deeper look at each of the three branches. If you do not understand the duties of each of the branches, it may be because you were never taught. We are hoping to shed a little light on the subject this month by taking a closer look at each of the three major branches of government. Today we will start with the Executive Branch.
Who is the Executive Branch?
We will start off by looking at exactly who makes up the Executive Branch. As we previously discussed, the President of the United States of America leads the Executive Branch. Through an election, the President attains this position and will serve a term that lasts for four years. The President may be re-elected for a second term, for a total of eight consecutive years. The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, as well as the department heads, also known as the Cabinet.
What does the Executive Branch do?
Many powerful people make up the Executive Branch and each of them have an important job. The President serves as the leader of the United States’ government. Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. The Executive Branch does not have the power to create laws on its own. This is part of the system of checks and balances. It prevents the Executive Branch from retaining too much power on its own. The job of the Cabinet is to advise and guide the President. They run the various departments of the Executive Branch and play a role in the line of succession should something tragic happen to the President. If the President is unable to continue their term, the Vice President will become the new President of the United States for the remainder of the term.
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