Preparing for the LSAT (Part Two)
Welcome back to the Van Norman Law Blog. Currently, we are discussing LSAT preparation. Here at Van Norman Law, we are passionate about providing assistance to young men and women who are interested in pursuing a career in law. Becoming a lawyer is not an easy task. One of the first major obstacles that one must overcome is the LSAT. In our last post, we pressed the importance of beginning your preparations now. Hopefully you took that warning seriously. Today, we are going to give you more advice regarding LSAT preparation.
2. Establish a Routine
Everyone studies differently, so telling you exactly what your studying routine should look like is difficult. Some people have an easier time focusing in the morning, while others are at their best late at night. What is important, is that you create a routine that works for you and stick to it.
Generally, a study session should be several hours long. This does not mean that you must be actively engaged in rigorous, exhaustive study every minute. Instead, you should balance periods of intense, focused studying with short breaks. The Pomodoro method, in which you balance 25 minutes of work with a 5-minute break is popular. However, we would recommend that you shift the balance to 50/10, as to work on your mental endurance. Remember, each section of the LSAT is 35 minutes long, and when taking the actual exam, you must take each section one after the other. Mental exhaustion is the downfall of many test takers.
Establishing a routine and sticking to it will help you develop the disciple necessary to excel at the LSAT.
3. Imitate Test Conditions
It is important to dedicate some of your study time to taking practice exams under similar testing conditions. Replicate these conditions as closely as you possible can. Time your practice tests, stay focused, eat the same breakfast you will on test day, stay hydrated but don’t drink too much water as to avoid bathroom breaks. Essentially, do anything you can to pretend you are ACTUALLY taking the LSAT during your practice test. Practicing in such a manner will help improve your focus and comfort level.
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