Establishing Better Photo Evidence At The Scene Of An Accident

Establishing Better Photo Evidence At The Scene Of An Accident

Two people at a car accident

Establishing Better Photo Evidence At The Scene Of An Accident

Even those with limited legal knowledge would likely agree that capturing photo images at the scene of an accident is a resourceful and smart idea. That said there are a few essentials worth considering when it comes to establishing as much useful accident-scene evidence as possible. This is a key concern because photos could make the difference of an accident victim receiving a recovery or not receiving a recovery. Best of all, with digital cameras virtually everywhere today, capturing images of an accident scene is easier than ever before.

Presenting Evidence At Trial

Perhaps most crucial of all when it comes to establishing and preserving evidence is that of taking pictures as soon as possible once any medical issues have first been addressed. For a personal injury lawsuit to have the greatest likelihood of being successful, ample photographic evidence should be secured. Even in situations where an accident victim does not have a camera on hand there is a solution. Simply ask a by-stander to snap digital images with a phone or camera and then send them to you by email. From negotiating with insurance companies to presenting evidence at trial, photos are astoundingly important evidence.

Tire Skid-Marks

Photos can convey (at a later time) collision contact points, vehicle position, driving conditions, etc. Many details that would otherwise go unnoticed can be well preserved in digital images. When taking photos of an accident scene it is a good idea to capture physical injuries, weather conditions and a view of the intersection if it is an intersection related accident. Even specifics such as broken glass, separated car parts and road debris as well as road obstructions may be photographically documented. Tire skid-marks along with road signage and traffic light location pictures can be useful too.

Securing Good Evidence

When shooting photos of a traffic accident scene it is best to choose varying angles and distances as a way to document as much detailed information as possible. Multiple angles from different ranges or distances will afford the most diverse physical evidence. As with taking photographs in any situation, always consider lighting, backgrounds and obstructions to achieve a clear and well defined picture. Getting accident scene photos right can have a big impact on how successful any recovery attempt is in negotiating a settlement or when going to trial. Securing good evidence in the form of images will help a personal injury attorney make a stronger and more compelling case.

Contact Van Norman Law today for a Phoenix personal injury lawyer that has provided years of dedicated experience for Arizona accident victims.