Essential Safety Tips For Those Riding A Bicycle

Essential Safety Tips For Those Riding A Bicycle

Bicycle Riding Safety Tips

Essential Safety Tips For Those Riding A Bicycle

Riding a bicycle is one of life’s best pleasures especially when it is always done in a safe and a secure way. Avoiding injury when riding a bicycle can be as simple as considering a few essential safety tips.

Wear A Helmet

For example, wearing a helmet is one of the easiest and most obvious ways of staying safe on a bicycle. A helmet can protect a bicycle rider from serious head injuries. In fact, wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by over 80% according to many experts.

Stay Alert and Look Ahead

Equally important is to always stay alert and look ahead when riding a bicycle. Some bicyclists have a tendency to look at the ground when riding. This is a poor option for those wishing to maintain the highest level of safety. Knowing what is coming up along your path of travel allows you to react quicker and maneuver better. Being alert and aware greatly increases safety in all cases.

Know Your Route Of Travel

Equally important is to always ride on the right side of the road. This simply means riding with the traffic as opposed to against the traffic. This is a simple and easy way to avoid an accident and prevent injury. Another great way to improve safety is to plan ahead and know your route of travel prior to riding a bicycle on any trip of any duration. If you suspect you will be biking on unfamiliar roads, it is best to slow down and exercise extreme caution. Finally, another way to reduce the chances of being involved in a bicycle related accident is to refrain from riding on crowded streets and roads during the busiest times of the day when traffic congestion is highest. Riding at peak traffic times can greatly increase the potential for an accident.

Keep Safety Equipment In Good Working Order

As an added note, making sure that a bicycle is in top condition and that the brakes have been checked and all safety equipment is in good working order can also serve to improve safety over the long-term. Bicycle chains should be well maintained in a clean and lubricated fashion. Consider these essential safety tips in order to stay safe on a bicycle.

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