Simple Tips To Consider When Your Vehicle Breaks Down
Simple Tips To Consider When Your Vehicle Breaks Down
Today’s modern vehicles are incredibly reliable and dependable, however there are instances and occasions when even the newest and most advanced vehicle can and will break down. When this happens, there are some simple strategies worth considering as a way to stay safe and ensure that a collision does not occur.
Let Other Drivers Know As Soon As Possible
For example, one of the first steps in staying safe when a vehicle breaks down is to simply signal, slow down and then gradually and carefully pull off the road onto the shoulder. In addition, motorists should immediately switch on emergency lighting or safety flashes to let other drivers know that a vehicle is disabled.
One of the biggest concerns when a vehicle breaks down is being struck by another vehicle. Many accidents, incidents and even loss of life events have occurred for this very reason. Letting other drivers know as soon as possible that your vehicle has malfunctioned can save lives.
Raise Your Vehicle’s Hood ASAP
Equally important is to raise the hood of the vehicle as soon as possible. Exercise extreme caution when exiting your vehicle and attempt to raise the vehicle hood as soon as possible. This provides additional visual clues to other drivers that a car or truck is broken down.
Don’t Stand Behind or Directly in Front of Your Vehicle
Another major concern is that of standing behind or directly in front of a vehicle that has broken down. This should be avoided at all costs because of the potential for a collision that may be caused by another vehicle. Being struck by a vehicle on the highway can be catastrophic.
Remain in Your Car or Wait for Assistance in a Safe Location
Finally, most experts agree that the best strategy for dealing with a broken down vehicle is to remain in the vehicle unless there is a danger of being struck from behind. As an added note, calling for assistance and waiting in a safe location will ensure that a broken down vehicle does not turn into a case of serious injuries or loss of life.
Consider these simple and effective strategies as a way to stay safe anytime a vehicle breakdown occurs on the highway.
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IMages used under creative commons license – commercial use (12/9/24). Photo by Sebastian Huxley on Unsplash