Advice on Defensive Driving Courses

Advice on Defensive Driving Courses

Advice on Defensive Driving Courses

The Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles offers defensive driving courses in order to dismiss a minor traffic violation, evade the accumulation of driving record points, or reap an insurance discount. It is highly recommended by Van Norman Law to take a defensive driving course.

You should avoid taking a driving course if you satisfy one of the following requirements:

• You are not an Arizona resident. If this is the case, talk with your local defensive driving school to set up an out of state defensive driving course.

• You cannot eliminate a traffic ticket that occurred twenty-four months ago.

• If you have already used defensive driving school to eliminate a ticket, you cannot use it again within a one year period (this law was recently changed from two years).

• If your traffic violation or accident resulted in a serious injury or death, you cannot take a defensive driving course to eliminate your ticket.

In order to learn more about the parameters of defensive driving school, visit Arizona Courts website, here.

For those individuals looking to reduce their insurance bill, it is highly recommended that you contact your insurance provider first to discover if you qualify for an insurance discount. Regardless, the lessons learned at defensive driving school are invaluable. They preach a driving style that focuses you on the other drivers, defensively. Indeed, the difference between a good and bad driver is their attentiveness to others on the road.

If you think defensive driving school is something you could benefit from, keep this in mind. It will take you about four hours to complete the course, and at the end, make sure you gain a completion certificate from your instructor, which you will mail to your insurance provider. If you are taking the class solely to eliminate a traffic violation, your course provider should confirm completion directly with the Court and the Court will dismiss the charge.

To learn more about traffic violations or auto accident laws in Phoenix, contact the legal team at Van Norman Law.


IMages used under creative commons license – commercial use (12/9/24). Photo by Hyundai Motor Group on Unsplash